Sunday, March 16, 2008

First real post

I had originally planned to start writing here after certain career and personal milestones were met, leaving me with more time to devote to projects like this blog.

However I'm feeling the need to do something constructive at the moment, and since I don't have the means on hand right now to do the things I really want/need to do (portfolio work *ahem), I decided to jump on here.

I work in New Media - my company's current project is really going down the crapper. The publisher is hands-on to the point of being meddling, and management just doesn't seem to be able to handle a project of this scope so soon after the company's inception. Seems like they're just throwing darts blindfolded, hoping to hit that bulls-eye that will increase productivity, cut out the bullshit and streamline luck so far but that hasn't seemed to deter them yet in the slightest. Ultimately I think that we as a company promised to deliver more than we were capable of doing for each milestone. Whatever.

Here's what I've gone through this last little while in my readings:
Digital Dreams: The Work of the Sony Design Center - Bill Kunkel
Idoru - William Gibson
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman - Haruki Murakami

I still have yet to read any Hemingway, and have nearly zero Russian literature under my belt....should I feel shame? The Castle by Kafka is on my shelf and needs to read first though.

That's enough for now I think.

Y. Datura