Tuesday, April 15, 2008

wistful whimsy

Last weekend I went to my old university with my wife to view the cherry blossoms there (I say "old university" and not alma-mater, because I err never actually graduated). Being back on campus on a very nice day got me nostalgic and thinking about my life - where I am now, and where I'm headed.

It got me thinking about my education, and how I could have spent my time when I was younger. It's easy of course, to look back now and say I should have studied this over that etc etc. Anyway I'm on the right path to getting to where I want to be. I guess if I could take some years back, I would have travelled more. I'm still young however - although that's offset by a not so rosy financial situation that is a constant stressor for me. Time's on my side though.

Speaking of where I want to be, everything should be a lot clearer by August, and even more so by the end of 2008. There's a good chance that by the end of the year I'll finally be in the position I've been striving towards for years. If I'm not there by that time, I might have to look at a few risky options to accelerate my career. You can't be afraid of taking chances though. Dropping out of school was a big risk, and so far, so good.

In other good news, we're moving into a nice new place in three weeks...my long, long daily commute from hell will be getting reduced to almost nil. I'm so looking forward to having all that extra free time and energy.

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